How Long Does A Weed High Last?
Since the beginning of human experimentation with marijuana individuals have sought to hone their buzz both in terms of time under the influence as well as the severity of the high itself. As the cannabis community continues to escape former shrouds of prohibition, we have been given the opportunity to further study the plant. This research has spurred advances across the board from the delivery methods to the product derivatives of the plant that we consume. Recently have scientists developed an equation to model the length of high a user can expect based on; the dose taken times the concentration of THC divided by the individual’s metabolism times their tolerance.
Length of High = ( (dose x concentration) / (metabolism x tolerance) ) x delivery method.
In a real world example Colorado single serving edibles contain a legal dose of 10mg of THC which depending on your tolerance could be too much because the delivery method multiplier is higher for edibles versus smoking marijuana. Edibles have a higher bioavailability rate compared to smoking weed, which in turn means users generally experience a longer impairment. Though this equation shines much needed light on the components that determine how long your weed high will last it unfortunately fails to consider the truly complex human metabolism and varied tolerance levels. So, albeit a bit ambiguous this is our best guess as to how long you’ll remain high/impaired after ingesting any of the varied forms of cannabis paired with the ever expanding array of delivery methods available today.